Knowledge Tree Educational Community
We provide children with the space and support they need to explore their inner world and build harmonious relationships based on respect, moral values and authenticity.
In the Knowledge Tree Educational Community, children follow a unique educational pathway from primary to secondary school, based on the British Cambridge curriculum. In a bilingual environment, CEKT offers every student the chance to develop their academic, social and emotional potential, using selected and internationally validated methods.
We are accredited ICEOTAS – Education Other Than At School and in the process of being recognized by ARACIP as a Foreign School on Romanian Soil.
As part of CEREHARD Romania – ReDesign Association, accredited since 2020 as British Curriculum School, we are in the process of Cambridge International School accreditation.

Primary School
For children aged 6 – 10
It supports the consolidation of basic knowledge, the development of academic and social skills through interactive and explorative methods.

Secondary School
For children aged 10-14
It supports the deepening of knowledge, the development of critical and analytical thinking and problem-solving skills through collaborative activities.

High School
Cambridge, IGCSE, A-levels
For children aged 14-18
It supports personality and career development, autonomy, creativity and communication skills through interdisciplinary projects, mentoring and relevant practical experiences.
Our mission is to nurture each child's unique potential through personalized learning, a safe and inspiring environment and innovative teaching methods, preparing them to thrive academically, socially and emotionally in the world of tomorrow.
- Bilingual educational alternativeComunitatea Educațională Knowledge Tree este o alternativă educațională, cu predare bilingvă: română & engleză, ce urmează Curriculum Cambridge, parte din sistemul educațional britanic.
- What is the Cambridge International ProgramLa Knowledge Tree, pregătim copiii conform Programului Internațional Cambridge, oferindu-le oportunitatea de a susține examenele IGCSE și A Levels – calificări recunoscute global, care deschid drumul către universități de top și cariere internaționale. Cambridge International colaborează cu școli din întreaga lume pentru a construi o educație care dezvoltă cunoștințe, abilități și înțelegere, oferind elevilor încrederea de a face față provocărilor și de a contribui pozitiv într-o lume în continuă schimbare.
- What credentials we haveSuntem centru acreditat ICEOTAS - International Council Education Otherwise Than at School. În curs de recunoaștere ARACIP ca Școală Străină pe Pământ Românesc. Facem parte din CEREHARD - Asociația ReDesign - acreditată ca British Curriculum School din 2020. Ca parte a CEREHARD România - Asociația ReDesign, acreditată din 2020 ca British Curriculum School, ne aflăm în proces de acreditare Cambridge International School.
- What is IGCSE and how is it recognized internationallyExamenele IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) sunt o calificare recunoscută internațional pentru elevii de liceu, oferită de Cambridge Assessment International Education și alte consorții educaționale. Aceste examene sunt concepute pentru elevi cu vârste între 14 și 16 ani și acoperă o gamă largă de discipline academice. Ministerul Educației din România recunoaște examenele IGCSE prin intermediul Centrului Național de Recunoaștere și Echivalare a Diplomelor (CNRED). Aceste examene pot fi echivalate cu anumite etape ale învățământului preuniversitar românesc. Această recunoaștere le permite absolvenților noștri să își continue studiile în sistemul educațional românesc sau să acceseze oportunități pe piața muncii națională.

Word from the founder
Our school
"We know that learning is synonymous with development, and in order to maximize individual potential, at CEKT we aim to cultivate continuous learning and development.Our aim is to prepare future adults to become self-aware, autonomous, innovative and capable of generating positive change, both for themselves and their community.In this way, we offer our students a safe, creative and stimulating environment where they can discover, develop and practice their talents.We emphasize metacognition, awareness of thought processes and understanding of cognitive patterns, precisely to cultivate a Physical and Emotional Safety Space associated with critical thinking."

Monica Cojan

We nurture strong roots for children's success through education, creativity and exploration.
CEKT values have brought together mentors, teachers and collaborators who support, inspire and guide children on their educational journey.

Monica CojanFounder, Educational Director, Mentor
Founder and administrator of Knowledge Tree Educational Community, Monica is dedicated to creating a safe and inspiring space for learning and exploration. With a li lifelong passion for education, she has followed her calling to guide and mentor children, opening the center in 2020 that reflects her vision of an education that blends creativity, free thinking and innovation.

Raluca ȚânțăreanPrimary education mentor
Raluca, a primary school mentor, is passionate about the transformations children go through and the unique way they see the world. With a background built at the Pedagogical High School in Brașov, Raluca cherishes the opportunity to contribute to the development of future generations, inspiring and guiding children to be themselves, in all their splendor.

Cristina GhermanMentor, IGCSE English & Spanish Teacher
Cristina, a mentor and teacher of English and Spanish at CEKT, is dedicated to contributing to students' personal and academic growth through a flexible approach and community involvement. With a passion for Educational Sciences, studied at UNED in Spain, and experience in a language academy, Cristina brings inspirational energy and positive change to every student's life.

Mirela TörökPrimary Mentor
A dedicated CEKT mentor and devoted mom, Mirela brings her passion for child psychology and Human Resources experience to a unique educational environment. With a natural talent for communication and organization, she contributes to children's personal and academic development, guiding them with care and enthusiasm. At CEKT, Mirela perfectly blends her love for education with the joy of inspiring and learning alongside the little ones, creating a warm and motivating atmosphere.

Cup of Teach - Knowledge Tree Educational Community Newsletter
Alternative Education Newsletter & Podcast

Primary School
Discover the joy of learning
At CEKT, children build basic knowledge and essential life skills through an interactive and explorative approach. With a curriculum designed to stimulate natural curiosity, students discover the world through:
- Socio-Emotional Development (SEL)
- Romanian Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Arts & Crafts
- Music and poetry
- Introductory and fun English
Every child is guided to explore the world with creativity and confidence.

Secondary School
We train critical thinkers
In secondary school, students deepen their knowledge and develop critical thinking through an interdisciplinary and practical skills-oriented curriculum. Students explore:
- History, Geography and Science
- Creative Writing and Calligraphy
- Mathematics and Computer Science
- Language Arts (Romanian, English, Spanish)
Through project-based learning and creative activities, students discover the joy of learning and analyzing the world around them.

High School
Preparing tomorrow's future
At CEKT, the high school provides an environment where students can discover their passions, develop self-reliance and prepare for their desired career. The curriculum includes:
- IGCSE and A-Level programs
- Core subjects such as English, Maths and Science
- Socio-Emotional Development (SEL)
- Art and Art History
- Project Based Learning (PBL)
Our students are prepared to meet academic and professional challenges with critical thinking, resilience and creativity.
Events taking place at CEKT
Educational Community
Learning never stops for big people and little people. Support CEKT and enrich your knowledge by participating in Knowledge Tree Educational Community events.
Suggest an event
CEKT makes its classrooms available after hours for relevant community events. Want to propose one? Contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions
School hours are from 8.30 to 14.30. Classes start at 9.00. We have short breaks between classes and a long lunch break. Here’s what a primary timetable looks like.
Our space is generous. We provide students with bright, airy classrooms and dedicated spaces for workshops, recreation and movement. We also have a dining hall, cloakroom, indoor activities room, library, enclosed/fenced courtyard. Coming soon: science lab.
The school fee includes participation in the appropriate school cycle program, textbooks and various other necessary educational materials.
Monthly, depending on the school cycle (primary, secondary, high school), for 12 months.
Annually, in various forms of compensation or installments.
The school supplies fee is 1200 lei/child and is annual. CEREHARD fee – 400 euro/year/family. CEREHARD provides legal coverage for several educational centers and schools in Romania with alternative education recognized by the Romanian state. The details of this fee and associated benefits will be discussed during the meetings with parents for full clarification.
Primary School
For children aged 6 - 10Supports the consolidation of basic knowledge, academic and social skills through interactive and explorative methods.
- Program: 8:30 - 14:30
- Curriculum: Romanian and British Cambridge Program
- School supplies fee: 1.200 RON/year
- Cerehard fee: 400 EUR/year/family
- Flexibility: timetable adapted to academic and emotional needs
- Support: main mentor and collaborators for each class
Secondary School
For children aged 10 - 14 yearsSupports the deepening of knowledge, the development of critical and analytical thinking and problem-solving skills through collaborative activities.
- Program: 8:30 - 14:30
- Curriculum: British Cambridge Program
- School supplies fee: 1.200 RON/year
- Cerehard fee: 400 EUR/year/family
- International experience: Cambridge Program(IGCSE)
- Extra-curricular activities: recreation and active learning spaces
NEW! High School
For children aged 14 -18Supports personality and career development, autonomy, creativity and communication skills through interdisciplinary projects, mentoring and relevant practical experiences.
- Program: 8:30 - 14:30
- Curriculum: British Cambridge Program (IGCSE/A-levels)
- School supplies fee: 1.200 RON/year
- Cerehard fee: 400 EUR/year/family
- Academic support: main mentor and collaborating mentors for each class
- International training: access to Cambridge exams and certifications
- Extra-curricular activities: spaces dedicated to recreation and personal development

Schedule a visit to CEKT
The steps are very simple.
1️⃣ Come and get to know us.
2️⃣ The child can then come for a week of settling in/observation.
3️⃣ If all is good for all, you will get the invitation to join CEKT.
CEKT Campus Brasov | Bucegi 1B
Bucegi 1B, Brasov, 500053, Romania
+40 (720) 553 399 | contact@cekt.ro
Program : 08.30 - 14.30 | Secretariat : 14.00 - 16.00